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Olga Morales

"My best friend is home from surgery and she is in a lot of pain but cancer free praise God. Pray for me as I am waiting on the results of my biopsy. Continue to pray for my brother's salvation. "


Yaimar Berrio

"Pido que oren por mi amiga Alejandra Gabriela que esta pasando por un embarazo de alto riesgo. Oren para que todo vaya bien. Oren por la estabilidad, la salud, y la union de mi familia en este país. "


Marcel Sanchez

"Please pray for Deborah Johnson (DJ) and for the Lord to strengthen and comfort DJ and her family. DJ's mom passed away yesterday."


Olga Morales

"My coworker Christine was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and will have surgery on November 20th. Please pray that all goes well. Pray for my health and please continue to pray for my brother's salvation."


Marcel Sanchez

"There are several in our church working through a variety of health-related treatments. Pray for strength as they lean on God's grace to sustain them. Pray for their families as well as they support them. Pray for our missionary Lyle and April Armstrong. April's mother passed away this week."


Olga Morales

"Continue to pray for my brother, Julio's, salvation. On Tuesday I will be having a difficult meeting at work. Pray for God to intervene. I had my P.E.T. Scan last Friday. I should get my results by Tuesday or Wednesday. Pray for a clean result. "



"Por favor orar por el bebé Alex Jordi, esta familia es una pareja joven que están viniendo hace unas semanas. El bebé nació con una condición severa y ahora le descubrieron una masa en el cerebro. Mañana tienen el CT scan. "